Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Like "butter" Baby...

    Now that my husband is back from his business trip to Michigan I finally have the laptop (some people can type really well on the iPhone...I am not one of them!).  I have been continuing my search for 3-free, non-toxic nail polishes, and the latest company that has sent me product was butter LONDON.
    When I went to the butter LONDON website I was instantly taken by how professional and happy looking it was.  Flowers, butterflies AND pretty nail polish?  Count me in! Then I saw that they have lip gloss that matches the shades of nail polish and I knew I had to for sure try them out!

butter LONDON - Lips & Tips - Trout Pout

    I received the laquer and lip gloss (LIPPY) in Trout Pout (a creamy peach color) plus their Nail Foundation Flawless Basecoat and Hardware P.D. Quick Top Coat.  Of course when I saw the package visions of Santa coming down the chimney poped in my head and I could see myself hoarding my gifts, locking myself in my room and indulging in all their beautifulness!  Then I remind myself that Ehlena needs to be put to sleep and I snap back to reality.  Flash to 11pm when I'm ready for bed and more importantly, ready to start my mani! (we'll start there and talk about the LIPPY later!)
    The base coat was really nice as it dried matte.  I usually don't like matte stuff but this made my nails look really natural, so I could see wearing just that alone.
    The color was a beautiful shade of peachy coral that made me want to walk along the beach on a sunny day.  The formula was a little thicker than I'm used to but it smoothed itself out once I was finished with each nail.
    The top coat was AWESOME!  I've used many top coats that claim to be "quick drying" only to smudge a nail 10 minutes into the drying process urgh!  I put this on and, inevidably only 5 minutes later, my daughter woke up and needed a diaper change.  I could see the smudges in my mind before I even walked in to her room.  However, to my surprise, when I walked back in to my own room and looked down at my nails, they were flawless!  I honestly had to do a double take! I had only applied the top coat 5 minutes prior! LOVE!!
    As much as I loved (and still do) love the color, sadly my mani did not survive what I call the "mommy test." By the end of the next day, I had chips in a few nails, so I decided to try it again and see what happens.  I never said I was fabulous at self-manis! Much to my dismay, I saw the same results.  However, one of my friends had dropped by to try my new polish and she said her mani was perfect after 4 days!  But she's not a mommy and doesn't have to wash her hands 50 times a day, or buckle her daugher in to the high chair, car seat and whatnot and bump and ding her fingers against the changing table while trying to get a dirty diaper off before "dirty" ends up everywhere within eyesite. 
    In a curious moment, the other night I decided to paint my nails with a different color polish but still use the base and top coat from butter LONDON.  Curiously enough, 3 days after I did that my mani was still perfect.  Hmmmmm.....
    Ok, lets talk LIPPY!  I'm usually not a lipstick/gloss wearer (other than my chapstick which is always in my pocket!) but thought for the occasional date night (I know, what's that right?!) it would be nice to have something to pretty up the lips.  I was a little nervous that LIPPY would look just like the color of the polish but on the lips and I really would look like a TROUT pout haha The minute I put LIPPY on, I was in love!! Not only did it smell fabulous, but it was subtle and yet very sexy!  I put it on in the morning and it stayed on the entire day without reapplying or feeling dry by the time my husband came home at night.  And, best part?? My husband actually noticed it (sometimes I wonder if I came home with a shaved head if he would even notice...) and he really liked it! Date night is being planned as we speak and LIPPY will be in my purse for sure!
    Bottom line I absolutely love the top and base coat and the color of the polish, but if you're a mommy, it may not hold up for you (maybe it's just me...) but if you definitely want a sexy lipgloss that won't draw the attention away from YOU you need to try LIPPY!  I know you will love it!  I know I do and will be getting more colors!! Special shout out to Melinda from butter LONDON who went above and beyond to make a mommy (and her friends) very happy!  Always love amazing customer service!!